
June 21, 2022

Menstrual Disorders — Assessment Criteria, Symptoms & Diet Recommendation During Your Period

About Menstrual Disorders

Menstrual disorders are a very common problem in women in their reproductive age. Are your menstrual cycle normal? Here are the 4 main self-assessment criteria

i. Regular menstrual cycle: Menstrual flow might occur every 21 to 35 days
ii. Menstrual volume: generally 20-80ml
iii. Menstrual blood color: Fresh red and without blood clots
iv. Period duration: 3-7 days

Young asian woman having a stomach ache menstrual period cramp abdominal pain food poisoning health care and medical concept Premium Photo

What are the symptoms of menstrual disorders?

• Irregular menstrual cycles: several times a month or once in several months
• Changes in menstrual flow: menstrual flow becomes very light or heavy
• Prolonged menstrual duration: more than a week

What to eat before, during and after menstruation? 

i. Before menstruation: 5-7 days

  •  Consume high-quality protein
  •  Food recommendation: eggs, chicken breast, fish, tofu, etc.
  • Stretching exercise could be incorporated to increase body metabolism

ii. Menstrual period: 1-5 days

  • Experience abdominal bloating, Add more ginger into your diet
  • Food recommendation: Brown sugar ginger tea, fish broth, stir-fried vegetables or meat
    with ginger slices
  • Avoid raw and cold food or hot and sour fried food: such as melons and fruits, ice
    products, alcohol, fried food

iii. After menstruation: 6-22 days

  • Nourish the blood circulatory system
  • Food recommendations: Tomato, beef, berries, red bean soup, red dates

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